Anno accademico 2020/2021
The Department of Physics and Astronomy “ Galileo Galilei” (DFA) of the Universita’ degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) organizes the Doctoral Course in Astronomy.
It follows the excellence of the Universita’ di Padova in Astronomy, started since Galileo Galilei.
The Doctoral Course in Astronomy of the University of Padova offers PhD thesis covering most of the modern Astrophysics topics, in collaboration with INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova. A group of >60 staff astronomers are involved.
Application (Italian version) for next (XXXVI) cycle are open
Application (English version)
Deadline: June 16, 2020 (13.00 CEST)
1) Five open positions are financed by the University of Padova
2) One open position is financed by Fondazione Cariparo
3) Two open positions are financed on "Budget Miur Dipartimenti di eccellenza" (position reserved to applicants with foreign qualification).
At this web page you can find possible PhD thesis topics for the open positions. These proposed projects shall then be discussed at the oral examination, but shall not be necessarily intended as the final PhD project for enrolled students, that shall be decided, in agreement with the student who will win one of the positions, by the Board of Professors. Candidates are encouraged to contact staff members of the DFA and INAF-OAPD for discussing possible PhD thesis arguments. There is a form for CV and project proposal at: this link
In addition, there are:
4) One position financed by the Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “Galileo Galilei” within grant "Exploiting the Deepest Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Galactic Globular Clusters” - 2017Z2HSMF", on: "Studio di popolazioni stellari in ammassi tramite fotometria multibanda e spettroscopia - Multi-band photometry and spectroscopy of stellar populations in star cluster.
5) Three positions are funded by Inaf:
a) Star-forming clumps in galaxies of the GASP survey/La formazione stellare nelle galassie della survey GASP
b) Gas in galaxies: the effects of environmental and feedback processes on galaxy evolution / Il gas nelle galassie: gli effetti dei processi ambientali e di feedback sull’evoluzione delle galassie
c) Optical transients in the multi-wavelength and multi-messenger era
The admission exam is based on the curriculum and an oral exam.
Besides a discussion on the proposed research project, the oral exam includes a discussion on the general astronomical background.
At this web page, you can find a list of the GENERAL CULTURAL ITEMS FOR THE ORAL EXAM
The only official and legally binding source is the original Italian announcement available at
For further information:
Administrative office:
E-mail: alessandra.zorzi (at)
Tel: 049-827.8261
Responsible of Doctoral Course in Astronomy:
E-mail: giampaolo.piotto (at)
Tel: 049-827.8223