Summer e Winter Schools
The Alma Dal Co School on Collective Behaviour - Venice - 29th September – 4th October, 2025
The Alma Dal Co School on Collective Behaviour
29th September – 4th October, 2025
Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, Italy
The Alma Dal Co School will focus on collective behaviour across biological systems, from cells to communities, and will use a highly interactive format to foster knowledge exchange between disciplines and career stages. Early career scientists, from PHD student to starting group leaders, are welcomed participants.
Application 28th February, 2025 (23:59 CEST)
Registration 2nd May, 2025
Autumn Physics of Data Workshop 2024 - Asiago 27-28 September 2024
In the face of unprecedented global challenges such as climate change, public health crises, and the rapid advancement of digital technologies, the role of data-driven physics is more crucial than ever. The intersection of physics with data science, machine learning, and quantum technologies is unlocking new opportunities to address some of society’s most pressing issues.
This workshop aimed to explore the frontiers of physics, data, and technology, with a focus on groundbreaking developments in particle physics, quantum computing, epidemiology, and energy markets. Through this interdisciplinary lens, the event covered a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from simulations for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) events and real-time data selection at the CMS experiment, to advancements in quantum computing and tensor networks, and the statistical mechanics of transfer learning.
ISAPP 2024 School Particle Candidates for Dark Matter - Padua 25 June-4 July 2024
The International School on AstroParticle Physics 2024 aimed to expose young researchers to the broad theoretical landscape of dark matter particle candidates. Topics included motivated candidates from the top-down, early universe scenarios for dark matter genesis, and detection strategies.
Spring Workshop on Physics of Data 2024 - Venice 23-24 May 2024
The modeling and the theoretical interpretation of complex natural phenomena from large amounts of data are at the core of the research in Physics. The Big Data revolution presents in this sense the challenges and opportunities for the physicists of today. This workshop provided an overview of the possible open problems and research paths in several that physicists of Data can tackle thanks to their training. Topics in Fundamental Physics, Astrophysics, Physics of Complex Systems, Quantum and Machine Learning were presented through international researchers and young scholars, as well as alumni of the Physics of Data Master.
QUANTUM WEEKS @QCSC - Padua 6-26 May 2024
The Quantum Computing and Simulation Center (QCSC) of Padova, Aqtivate and Engage Maria Skłodowska Curie Phd held a three-week event targeted at PhD students and young Postdocs on Quantum Computing and Tensor Networks.
The event brought together emerging researchers in the field of quantum computing, providing an intensive learning experience and networking opportunity. Participants engaged in lectures, workshops, and hands-on sessions exploring the latest advancements in quantum computing technologies and tensor network methods. The successful gathering fostered collaboration and knowledge exchange among the next generation of quantum scientists and engineers.
Physics of data and societal challenges - Asiago 25-27 September 2023
Extreme weather events, the emergence of infectious diseases, climate change, food-security big data and technology advancements are some of the major challenges identified for the next decade, in the 2022 Global Risks report. These grand challenges require multidisciplinary approaches to be addressed, but the fundamental nature of the biophysical, physical, and environmental systems that define them calls physics of data to play a leading role, particularly in light of the digital transformation of many processes and the availability of large masses of data in so many areas that are the basis for then developing predictive models and analyses.
In this sense, the grand societal challenges also represent an opportunity for today’s physicist. In particular, we identify three major areas that are of interest to next-generation physicists: 1) Epidemiology and precision Medicine; 2) Food, Environment and Climate; and 3) Technology, and Quantum Frontiers. To critically learn about and train skills that can help study these transformations and their impact in society, the Physics of Data and Societal Challenges project aims to provide students with interdisciplinary and extra-curricular training (including soft skills) through a series of seminars and two workshops. In this way, students met with top experts from both the academic and corporate worlds capable of activating formative processes in students to make critical and mature synthesis of these societal transformations.
CMT@BRIXEN - The meeting of the condensed matter theory Italian community - Bressanone 5-7 June 2023
The goal of the meeting is to strengthen the links among the different Italian groups working in the field of condensed matter theory.
The conference was divided in five sections covering approximately all CMT fields. Each section was introduced by a reknowned speaker (keynote) followed by four invited talks by younger scientists (Post PhD level).
A very inclusive poster section was devoted to younger scientists (Master, PhD students,...)
The conference was the ideal continuation of the Fai della Paganella conference that strongly contributed to the building of a tight community feeling between the diverse but related scientific fields.
Spring Workshop on Physics of Data 2023 - Venice 21-22 April 2023
The modeling and the theoretical interpretation of complex natural phenomena from large amounts of data are at the core of the research in Physics. The Big Data revolution presents in this sense the challenges and opportunities for the physicists of today.
This workshop provided an overview of the possible open problems and research paths in several areas that physicists of Data could tackle thanks to their training. Topics in Fundamental Physics, Astrophysics, Physics of Complex Systems, Quantum and Machine Learning were presented through international researchers and young scholars, as well as alumni of the Physics of Data Master.
1st Padova International School of Physics of the Universe on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics - Asiago 14-23 January 2020
This was the first Padova Excellence School of Physics of the Universe, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DFA) of the University of Padova. This first edition focused on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics.
MAVIS Science & Instrumentation Workshop - Asiago 6-10 May 2019
The busy week was proposed (by Stefan Stroebele) at the Kick-off meeting as an effective way to boost activity and communication. It was decided to have two busy weeks during the phase A, the first one in Europe early in the phase A (05/2019) to kick start the project and the second one in Australia close to the end of the phase A (02/2020) to work on the final phase A document writing. The Asiago Observatory, managed by INAF - Padova Observatory and University of Padova, was picked for the first busy week.
2018 NEON Observing School - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory 9 - 22 September 2018
The school is primarily meant for PhD students in Astronomy, who do not have prior experience in observing with professional 1-2 metre class telescopes. MSc students in the latestages of their thesis work, and young PostDocs who do not have observing experience, can also be concidered.
Web site:
PhD Summer School: Supermassive Black Holes and their Host Galaxies - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory 29 July - 4 August 2018
This summer school is arranged in collaboration with the Department of Physics of the University of Oxford. It will consolidate existing collaborations with the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Padua and provide opportunities to develop new joint research projects. The school is open to 20 selected graduate students in Physics or Astronomy, coming from any international research institute.
Web site:
PhD Summer School: Looking at Cosmic Sources in Polarized Light - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory 18 - 26 June 2018
Goal of the school is to offer graduate students and young researchers an updated, comprehensive view of multi-wavelength astrophysical polarimetry. This is a particularly favourable time for getting together experienced and junior scientists. Polarimetry is entering its golden age thanks to the upcoming space missions (IXPE, XIPE and e-XTP) which, for the first time ever, will systematically perform polarimetry measures in the X-rays. Polarimetry provides an entirely new way to look at the high-energy sky. In particular, it will give key information on highly-magnetic neutron stars (or magnetars), where vacuum birefringence (a Quantum Electrodynamics effect predicted 80 years ago and never measured in the lab) can at last be verified and on the structure and geometry of black hole accretion discs, making it possible to test General Relativity in the strong field limit and obtain an independent measure of the black hole spin. Polarization measurements will test inflation by detecting CMB polarization anisotropies associated with primordial gravitational waves background.
PhD Summer School: Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem - Asiago Astrophysical Observatory 10 - 15 June 2018
This summer school mainly focuses on a deep study of the dynamics of planetary systems from two different points of view. The mathematical approach is based on perturbation theories which were introduced in the mid-20th century by A.N. Kolmogorov, V.I. Arnold and J. Moser. On the other hand, the recent astronomical observations of comets, asteroids and exoplanets from ground and space have largely improved our comprehension of the planetary problem.
Web site: