Guidelines for activities (conferences, schools ...)
PhD Activities are supervised by the Supervisor as expert of the field and authorized by the PhD School.
The Supervisor and the PhD School intervene within the frame of the PhD program and its development.
The Department Dean authorizes issues related to the access and relative stay at the Department, safety&security and funds reimbursement.
- DFA: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padova
- Activity:Training and/or research activities performed by the PhD student within her/his PhD program;
- Extra-activity: Activities performed by the PhD student outside (not included and/or not pertaining to) her/his PhD program;
- Event: Congress, workshop, scientific meeting, experiments in small/large facilities or other groups, outside the DFA;
- Trip: Visit carried out for Scientific or Training purposes coherently with the PhD program but held outside DFA;
- Travel: Practical way used to reach and stay at the visit’s place (trains, planes, accommodations, ..)
Authorization’s Procedure
Authorizations must be required before the activity starts. The general procedure to get the relative authorization includes several all mandatory steps:
- Consult your supervisor and agree on the event participation;
- go to the SIT website
- enter your Single Sign On credentials
- follow the path Servizi Personali ⇒ Link utili alla persona ⇒ Missioni
- enter Prof. Flavio Seno as “Responsabile dell’autorizzazione”, Dott. Marco Agnello as “Responsabile della copertura finanziaria”, whereas Prof. Giulio Monaco, who is the “Coordinatore del Corso di Dottorato”, should be included in “Altre firme” ;
- enter Mrs. Cristina Mazzucco in the “Notifica” field
You should submit a request for all in person missions, even if no financial support is needed.
For more information: Mrs. Costantina Magnifico of the Purchasing and Accounting Sector (room 213 of DFA Department) , email: costantina.magnifico(at)unipd(dot)it,
In case you wish to take part to a conference remotely, please contact the Secretary Mrs. Mazzucco for further instructions.
PhD periods abroad and 50% increase of the scholarship:
All PhD students with a scholarship can ask for a 50% increase of the scholarship for any period abroad for study or research reasons.
The procedures, the schedules and the instructions on how to submit the relevant documents for the authorization and the attestations of starting and ending the activities abroad are fully indicated in the informative note.
Mobility abroad authorization request.
For more information please contact the PhD Office: 049 827 1823/6479
DFA Authorization
If your badge is not yet active, please ask the secretary (cristina.mazzucco(at)unipd(dot)it the paper-version of the form )(i.e Modulo di Autorizzazione per Missione), fill it and give it back to Dr. Mazzucco. Otherwise just use the on-line form available at the SIT section / Missioni (on top right of UNIPD home page: www.unipd.it). You will be asked to sign on by means of IDP UNIPD - SINGLE SIGN ON tool.